"Heya, it's Kris here. So BA was my 3rd edition army that I stopped playing when they got a PDF codex and Vulkan came out. Been playing Vulkan marines since the current marine book came out so my collection reflects this currently. The army is going to get paint stripped so popping some arms off and whatnot is more than likely to happen. Also I can pretty much put anything into any other pattern, MM/HF speeders to typhoons, dakka preds to ac/las ones, etc.
At my disposal I have:
2 librarians
a chaplain
various captain models
40-50 tactical/assault marines
3 rhino/razorbacks
4 predator's with interchangeable weapons
3 mm/hf speeders
2 typhoons
3 plastic dreads
10 assault terminators
2 crusaders, 1 redeemer, 1 godhammer LR
and today i bought 2 boxes of death co and a command squad box for bits/extra models and I can pick up a few things here and there as needed as well.. Already threw together a sanguinary priest with the parts. Debating if I want to assemble them as actual Death Co or just assault marines. Could also spruce them up as vanguard. I know a lot of people are hating on death co but I think with a reclussiarch in a raider they are a pretty dead hard unit. Rage is a downside but can be worked around with smart play and proper application of firepower to units that can/are leading them around. Also giving the chappy an infernus pistol helps them deal with armor trying to lead them around.
I've just pretty much been torn on how I want to run the list. at 1850 I'm thinking a LRC with either assault termies or DC, 2 rhinos with assault squads, maybe a razorback or 2 with small squads and then pred's and typhoons for fire support, maybe a libby dread."
Well, first thing's first - I don't truly rate the Captain too highly. Primary reason, is the lack of Artificer Armour as a option...I mean, REALLY? The artists and artisans of the most perfection-obsessed chapter in the Imperium can't be bothered to craft a few extra suits of Arti Armour for Captains? Particularly odd given that Sang Guard get them...
So, they're out. A Reclusiarch, eh? Well, that's what you want in the list, though if you don't mind I'm not writing another BA Raider list :p I'm not a real fan of the DC either, but I can certainly work them into a list, not an issue.
The BA struggle for support units, because the basic stuff doesn't come cheap. It doesn't help, of course, that they put Preds and dreads in the same slot, since the Nilla support frequently comes form both elements. Given this, let's start with what you have.
Rifleman - 120
Rifleman - 120
Rifleman - 120
Land Speeder Squadron: - 180
Land Speeder; w/ Typhoon, Heavy Bolter
Land Speeder; w/ Typhoon, Heavy Bolter
Okay, we've used up all our HS slots :( and a FA...but we've got a pretty solid load of S7+ fire coming out every turn. All for under 600 points too, which is pretty nice. The glaring flaw with taking this configuration is the complete lack of Multi-Meltas. We are going to have to find our Melta from other places on the FoC then - but this is a common problem with BA lists, and so not overly a concern at this stage. That said, let's put some in now. BUT WAIT! You cry - we don't know how this army is going to even run! Well...we kinda do. See, JP armies don't use support elements. And, while the DC ARE usable as a JP force, they run to 335 points each without even taking additional weapons, sooooo - Rhinos it is. Problem is, I reckon this list will require you getting a new Rhino when written. Good news though, I'm sure you will be able to proxy a Predator for a Rhino in the short term, while deciding why/how you'll edit/scrap the list I'm writing! ;)
Anyway, since we're taking a DC, we need another 'Hammer' unit to muddle enemy Target Priority. I'm thinking Honour Guard, to get the much needed Melta.
Honour Guard; w/ 3 Meltaguns, Blood Champion, Sanguinary Novitiate, Rhino [Extra Armour] - 230
Okay, now, to get them legally, we need an HQ...
Reclusiarch; w/ Infernus Pistol - 145
Note, we NEED the Infernus Pistol. Lack of adequate Melta could be crippling to this list, and we're just going to have to hope that the Furiously Charging members of the squads are sufficient to get through Hordes. 'Luckily' the support elements I chose earlier, rather than the AC/LC Preds that I considered (and you originally mentioned) have sufficient duality to retain utility against Hordes. ;)
Obviously, the Reccy goes into a Rhino. Oh, fyi, the Extra Armour above is partly because getting the squads close is literally life-or-death for them...but also to make them a tougher looking target. That's why this one doesn't get the same treatment. Death Company then:
Death Company:
8 Death Company; w/ Thunder Hammer, Infernus Pistol, Power Weapon, Power Fist, Rhino - 295
OUCH!!!! Wow, that's an expensive unit. Hmmm. Okay, so far (540+295+145+230) 1210 spent. We still have a pile of Troops left (including one Mandatory) and 3 Elites, along with 1 HQ and 2 FA. We have sufficient support fire - and technically enough Melta weapons. Though, frankly, I'm not happy with them...Plus, the Reclusiarch doesn't get FnP. He will be easy for the foe to single out of the DC and, while the DC remain as tough, the extra Initiative etc is a great boon. Ideally, we would squeeze a Sang Priest into the squad, for a 'cheap' extra Infernus.
Well...let's come back to it. Need another Troops first - really, we need two.
Assault Squad; w/ 2 Meltaguns, Power Fist, Rhino [Extra Armour] - 265
Well, two of those is another 530 points. Goddamn. That's really us for 1850. Four Rhinos, 3 Dreadnoughts, and a Land Speeder squadron. See now why I skipped the Raider though? This Codex suffers at lower points, in that it almost becomes mono-build - Jump packers only. I like the all-JP list, but being FORCED to play it? No thanks.
Honestly, I think this is worth playtesting. It will look pretty disappointing, but it's hard to make a definitive call on DC without playing them, and I haven't. I think you're right that they're tough, and should be able to munch most things they hit okay - but the loss of Rending REALLY hurts them. that's why the pic is there...either this army will be a kick in the crotch to try and use, or a kick for the foe. I prefer 'knife to the spleen' armies, such as the 2k non-DC variant of this list I will be putting up next week sometime (basically, a Rhino Rush)...this army becomes a bit 'Rocky Road' with the simple fact that the DC are such a huge natural threat. Fortunately, the Honour Guard are really a little more dangerous to Mech armies, and the Assault Marines are eminently capable of busting armour too. Never forget that you can fire out the top hatch with dual Meltas - and only the HG have more than 2 Meltas! (Possible edit - drop the 3rd HG Melta in exchange for a 9th DC?)
The support elements SHOULD be suppressing at least 2 Targets a turn, and often 3, allowing the Fast Rhinos to get close enough to get double-dice, and tear them a new one. This army seems to be one that could work. It's not for me (again, too rock-like) but it has pretty solid support and ability to take down Hordes, no doubt. Dreads that suffer Red thirst and get FC would also be a nasty counter-charge unit, and an amusing surprise for the foe!
Well - there's my thoughts on your wish for DC. Let me know what you think! :)
Honestly I would never use the DC in a competitive environment. My first few goes with the BA I will probably just going for some fun units like DC and whatnot. I guess I made it seem I was asking for a list with DC in it which is understandable.
I guess my main thing is I'm torn with how I really want to run BA. The all jp army is growing on me more and more but I definitely think BA can do mech. I'm just so used to playing vulkan and running a LR and th/ss terminators in every list thats its kind of a culture shock to me to see a marine list without them. I'm trying to get out of the mentality that I need a big combat unit to counter their big combat unit.
I appreciate the list advice and i'll probably try it out at some point. I think I'm going to end up preferring ac/las preds over riflemans myself due to lascannons being that much better against av12( i have crap luck rolling damage results with autocannons its terrible)
I'm beat and thats all I can really think of right now.
I have come to the conclusion that it's really just between those two for Heavy Slots, either Riflemen, or AC/LC Preds, nothing else competes really.
If you want Land Raider rocks, Vanilla is your best bet. BA pay too much for it and the army as a whole suffers.
I think DC can be useful, either as a flying brick with Lemartes (tack 1 wound on him and the unit gets stupid killy) or to allow your more DC Dreads if you go for Dreadspam. They're just too pricey to throw in to any army willy nilly.
AC/LC Preds are awesome, just be aware that sponsons can be trickier than just firing from the hull like Riflemen.
chumby, when you say flying brick to do you mean as jump pack equipped or scooting around in a storm raven? We were tossing around lemartes + 10 non jp dc in a raven as a fun but killy unit.
As for the sponson issue I have been using at least 2 preds in my mech sallies since I started playing them, starting with 3 dakka preds and switching over to 2 ac/las when vandettas started popping up everywhere, so I get what your saying about blocking the sponsons. It does become a little easier to get shots off with the BA version as it can move and still shoot.
I have a feeling i'm just going to end up testing every type of list we can come up with anyways just to see what actually works. I have the luxury of having danny internets in my gaming group to get plenty of mech guard test games in as I see them as the big contenders right now.
Agreed - fortunately, I think JP BA are going to be a pretty nasty match-up for the IG, especially when those pesky mystics get removed (if, indeed, that happens. I hope so...)
While Mech BA will be very much doable, it'll be less unique than JP armies, and will cost a little more for the same number of models.
agreed. I'm going to try and get a game against danny proxying the all JP list against his guard and see how it does.
I'm pretty sure at ard boyz levels he has mystics but i'm not too sure about lower points levels. Most games and tournaments around here are at the sub 2000 point level, mainly 1750 but a lot have been creeping up to 1850 as of late.
but until then the mystics do hose the alpha strike potential of the jp list pretty bad.
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