Saturday, 12 September 2009

Bloody Dakka Mods. This is a post what I wrote, and never got to post.

Digganob's words in BLUE, my previous coments in RED.

No, not really. In fact, it's a silly comparison, especially given many things with rules have no models (Deathstrike Missile Launcher, anyone?)As if making these models would be unwelcome or unnecessary. If they make a mini for it, people will use it. Same with the rules - people got their Warsmith & Dark Apostle entries and they used them.
Iron Warriors were stupidly broken. Also, the loss of two options here, no big deal. I don't hear Night Lords players tell me they lost anything...nor EC players, nor Black Legion players, who actually benefitted...Arguably, the ability to take Oblits at will means EVERYONE benefited, except Iron Warriors.

And regardless of how 'silly' my comparison was, my point still stands: fluff and rules are not mutually exclusive. Yes, yes really. Because Cultists are crappy civilians. I'd sooner have generic CSM than T3 guys with no armour and a CCW, thanks. Cultists have to be made as good as Traitor Guard to be playable (-ish) and I contest that is less fluffy than simply not using them. What nonsense. My 'crappy civilians' did just fine, thank you.
And, regardless of whether that's 'nonsense' or not (what? I can use punctuation to imply my opponent's arguments are farcical and beneath my notice too?!?) the LatD Codex would be laughable in 5th Edition - and it wasn't even good upon release. Cool, yes. Good, no. I would happily let people use them now, except there'd be no challenge inherent in beating an army list that could reasonably expect to get tabled every game. You also failed to address my point that the Cultists as Traitor Guard aren't fluffy, btw. If you want to argue fluff, argue fluff. If you want to argue rules instead, do so. They may not be mutually exclusive in your eyes (why, exactly?) but they aren't the same thing, and can't be compared.

If you want to play purely for fluff reasons, do what Gav says and make it up. After all, the Codex doesn't deliver. I can easily call my Kharn counts-as a Dark Apostle. You're missing the point. The only reason to resort to counts-as here is because they removed the option to have a Dark Apostle in the first place. If they were still available, actual Dark Apostles would still be chosen over any counts-as unit - not that you couldn't stick to Kharn if you chose to.
I find that dubious. Dark Apostles would be roaming around with a basic Power Weapon, essentially being a Chaos Lord by another name. Woop. I'd still take a DP or Kharn every time, because they aren't shit. Chaos Lords ARE a rubbish HQ. Can't be denied. Dark Apostles wouldn't be any better.

What the Chaos Codex needs is better ranged capability and a Fast Attack or 3.

These are not things Phil Kelly's writing is known for.

Gav Thorpe = / = the problems with Chaos.

Your beloved fluff = Problems with Chaos.

Change of GW strategy = Problems with Chaos.

5th Edition = Problems with Chaos.

3 Problems, the guy above was right.

Also, HBMC - Comparing Chaos to Eldar or Orks, or Angels, fine. Comparing to IG, SM or Wolves, and expecting it to compete = stupid. Comparing it to WH, DH, Tau or any other Codex with a Wargear list, also stupid.


Winterous said...

*thumbs up*
I don't fully understand what you guys are talking about :D

Thehod said...

It was a post about Gav Thorpe trying to defend the chaos codex. It was alot of filler to be nice.

I think you didnt get to post since the last commend about HBMC can be seen as a personal attack and that thread was reported like 20 times.

Unknown said...


Also what is the link to dakka dakka holigans?

Stelek said...

Elessar: Please figure out HTML and Grammar, my eyes hurt.








TheKing Elessar said...

LOL. Dakka Thread since reopened. -

And, it wan't a personal attack on HBMC. I don't dislike him at all.

Mercer, I'm not sure posting drunk is wise. ;)

The last Chaos Codex was stupidly good. This one is hollow instead.

H.B.M.C. said...

I don't really know why you're calling me out Elessar.

I will say that this though:

"Your beloved fluff = Problems with Chaos."

... is insulting.

God forbid we like the previous fluff and liked having rules that were congruous (for the most part) with that fluff. The nerve of us players who want the fluff and rules to walk hand-in-hand wherever possible. Aren't we despicable!

Anyway, I'm going /back/ to the Dakka thread, because it's open, and I have no desire to discuss this in multiple locations.


Unknown said...

lol I wasn't hammered I realised the caps was on and couldn't be arsed to type it out again :P

Oh, any one know where I can "acquire" a 3rd edition chaos codex I'd love to read it.

Fluff in a game is the be end to all and armies don't need to tie up with the fluff for taking wargear, though it does help and makes sense sometimes ;)

GiantKiller said...

This might be a bit off-topic, but I needed to throw in my .02 here.

"Chaos Lords ARE a rubbish HQ.

I couldn't possibly agree more. I would go so far as to say the entire HQ section of the Chaos 'dex is rubbish. Rubbish is a fantastic word I should start using more often anyway. But when your entire HQ section, including all of the special characters, produces exactly four worthwhile HQ builds:

Lash Prince
WT Nurgle Prince
Lash Sorc

Your HQ selection is rubbish.


TheKing Elessar said...

I can't argue with that, lol.


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