Well, this one is a question I've never actually come up in a game, so there exists the possibility that I've been playing the rules wrong. With that in mind, I had to go and look again. I started with the 'Destroyed - Wrecked' rules on page 67. These tell us that "The passengers must immediately disembark and then take a pinning test." No issues here, simple enough to understand...but what if they CANNOT?
Well, let's look at WHY they might not - page 70 of the BRB tells us "Passengers may not embark onto or disembark from a fast vehicle if it has moved (or is going to move) flat out in that Movement phase." Hrmmm. So, there's a timing issue there, it's possible that passengers could be forced out, which seems to counter this rule. Have GW made provision for this? Page 67 has - "Any models that cannot disembark are destroyed." Ah. awk-ward. Okay...that doesn't look promising for the Serpent's passengers...wait, hang on...
*Sigh of relief* - I forgot all about the definition of 'turn' on page 9. "Whenever a rule uses the word 'turn', both in this rule book and in the Codexes, it means 'player turn' otherwise will clearly state 'game turn'." This clearly indicates that if a Flat Out vehicle is Wrecked in it's own turn, ie, the player turn the guys inside Embarked, then the guys inside, lamentably, are destroyed. If, however, they are shot down in the opponent's turn they get out the access point, and take a Pinning test. If they can't get out an access point? Then we refer to the emergency disembarkation rule on page 67.
Hope that resolves the issue for anyone having problems! :D
And, now, some music.
Hrm... SO I guess I played it wrong the one time it's ever come up for me. I rammed something with a Wave Serpent moving flat out. Guys were still inside. I didn't do anything to the tank I rammed, but it wrecked me.
Well, I really should have looked in the book, but I assumed it was like other wrecks. However, those guardians died anyways, so it didn't change the game. Good to know though.
lol. Funny, I doubt I'd ever do it with a Scoring Unit still inside... :p
The links aren't too well hidden in that post, are they? lol Blue text, not the best idea, perhaps.
Thanks, I knew you wouldn't let me down :)
That kennedy, is why you never ram witha useful tank! lol
First ever game of 5th I rammed with my shaken Falcon (you know, w/HF). It died. A rhino killed it o.O.
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