So, Ray and I had a battle - a summary of which can be seen here.
After the game, we sat and discussed the list for a bit, albeit somewhat fruitlessly. I needed time to mull over where I felt the list had let him down, and where, frankly, it may have been his or indeed MY fault.
Since that, he has hit me up this email, too:
"Hello my good fellow TKE heres a new list i have decided to do just for fun not really concerned about competetive cause you know what my rolling is like lol ;-)
Librarian, with jump pack ,combi-melta
Honour guard , jump packs,4x meltaguns, 4x plasmaguns
assault squad x 8 , flamer,infernus pistol, rhino , meltabombs
assault squad x 10, 2x meltaguns ,powerfist
assault squadx 10, 2xmeltaguns ,powerfist
sternguardx 10 ,rhino
sang preistsx 2, jump packs, power weapon
vanguard squad, jump packs, powerfist, 2x power weapons
dreadnought, lascannon
dreadnought, assault cannon
thats it comes in at 1999 just wondering what you think i know u will not like the plasmaguns cause u dont ike them for reasons i dont understand. Only thing i am not certain about the dreadnought with assault cannon but cant think of anything else."
Plasmas for HG is silly*, Ray. Most times the Meltas will do an equal job, if not better. Melta and Flamer, though, is fine. lol
Dreadnoughts in the BA list are required for Fire Support, sure - but in that case you REALLY need them to have more than a 24" range. TL Autocannons, all the way. Both arms. Also mitigates your Simon-esque rolling. :p
Sang Priests, I have decided, are too easy to pick out of their squad to carry any equipment but the JP.
Mixing Rhinos in mean you need Predators to shield them, not Dreadnoughts.
Sternguard without Combi-weapons are shit. Pure unabashed shit, tbh.
Hybrid JP lists aren't impossible, so never fear!
How about this:
Libby - 125
w/ JP, Blood Lance, Shield
RAS - 250
Rhino, 2 Meltas, Fist
RAS - 250
Rhino, 2 Meltas, Fist
RAS - 225
2 Flamers, Fist
RAS - 225
2 Flamers, Fist
Predator - 135
Predator - 135
Predator - 135
That's 1480...(Add Hand Flamers to Melta squads for 1500)
But for 2k, instead we go:
SHP: - 160
1 w/ JP, Melta Bombs
1 w/ JP, Melta Bombs
Sternguard - 265
6 Guys, 4 Combi-Meltas, Fist, 2 Heavy Flamers, Rhino
Typhoon - 90
1995...put MBs on the Libby.
Try that, Ray. :)
* - Plasma is silly because:
- Overcosted
- Can kill yourself
- Not great vs Vehicles
- Overcosted
- Can kill YOURSELF
- Overcosted.
lol damn straight about plasma matey. Only good is for monstrous creatures and MEQs
I can't say I'm a fan of the flamers, really. If you have a RAS, you're going to mess up a horde pretty well without them, especially when you have lots of bodies + FNP everywhere (the extra bodies help mitigate the damage an enemy fist/power weapon will do).
Also, against guard, or really just about any army, you usually fear what's inside a transport more than the transport itself. The fist helps to destroy vehicles, but is somewhat unreliable (since if you're hitting a transport, they'll likely have moved), and the squad will just get out and shoot you anyways, as well as leaving you all clumped up for template weapons.
Instead, the double melta you can take in the squad will help for a ton of reasons flamers aren't helpful for- namely for both opening a transport AND being able to eat the squad inside in the same round. It also helps against monsterous creatures, termies, and insta-deathing things like crisis suits should you choose to deepstrike your squad in and don't feel like eating a ton of plasma before you get to go.
Something to think about, I guess.
I get what u say about the predators if you change the honour guard a bit also change it round to include at least 2 predators maybe even cut down sternguard to 6 and put them in a razorback.
I would keep the vanguard and 2 assault squads and if you want 1 of the dreadnoughts.
Just things to think about
So how do you really feel about plasma?
BTW - please get rid of the adult content thing... I've not seen a single nudy pic on your blog and it keeps me from checking at work for fear of the IT Inquistion coming down on me...
lmao, okay, joke's getting old now anyway...
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