Tuesday, 15 June 2010

So, while you all played 'Ard Boyz...

I've done nothing.

To be honest, I feel a little bit burnt out - getting my army ready for FoB doesn't so much feel like doing a hobby, more like a chore I have to get finished.  Today was the first time I touched a brush since Tuesday, and really, 6 days of inactivity when I need the army 3 Colours by the 26th isn't anything like optimal.

I had to drop out of going to Cardiff, for several reasons, primarily this fucking ankle, my inability to get 2 armies built at once (well...actually, I had very little to build for the Eldar, more a case of converting 2 Vypers to the correct load-out, and painting said Vypers.) - I'm pretty gutted about it, but I'm really more irritated at myself for failing to get things sorted when I've not exactly had in dropped in my lap, I've known about it for a while, certainly long enough to get things done.  Probably contributes to my general apathy towards the painting/modelling aspect of the hobby atm.  Still...In an effort to galvanise myself, and force action I shall be attempting to not use ,my XBox for the next week, even though I just downloaded some new maps for Arkham Asylum's challenges, and the Secret Armoury DLC for Borderlands, which (FINALLY!!) increases the level cap.  MOAR levels = time to get the rest of the Achievements...

Or rather, not.

I plan to spend next week painting the Boltgun Metal on my Dakka Pred, which will be the third colour for it, then I need to work on Tac Squad two, paint various hatches for the Rhinos, and paint Speeder crew, so I can glue them in.  Then, build my 3rd Speeder, and hopefully Gifts for Geeks will stop letting me down and post my final fucking Land Speeder before the end of the week - or else I will have no choice but to pay full retail to get one in my hand and paint it in 2 days.  :(

Well, there we go, a brief update on what's going down.  Feel free to call me lazy and irresponsible, minions!

I'm off to read Sandwyrm's Ard Boyz report, then play Borderlands, because the week hasn't started...

EDIT: Hrmm.  Seems I screwed up predictably.  It's not 40k related, so I won't bore you with details...but, suffice it to say, getting my army done is now slightly more likely, as I have one less distraction.  Cue music by the Lighthouse Family, and a (probable) hiatus from the Blogosphere from Wednesday until at least Saturday.

On the plus side for all my loyal fans - I'm not working this Saturday (with the whole Cardiff thing that I planned) so I may try and get a nice decent game for a BatRep, almost-live!  Kinda depends on a few things, not least whether or not I get my Tacticals torsos painted, as I have taken to painting the backpack separate.  Bah...stop typing now TKE.  ;)


Chumbalaya said...

Hope things get better for your broseph.


Unknown said...

Good luck with getting everything done on time. A batRepwould be pretty sweet.

Unknown said...

Out of interest dude how much would it cost for you to go to Cariff?

Also, we still need to meet at Warhammer World seems your flights are cheaper than my fuel!

Oh, www.buylessforonline.co.uk tell them Mark sent you ;) Cheaper and better service than Gifts4Geeks, which are shite and fuck stuff up! My mate luckily got two Tyranid battleforces and two Valkyries from them!

Zenos said...

Ah the curse of the painter...

I have suffered what your describing a lot over the years with 40k in particular. Here are my suggestions albiet... they don't always work.

1). Painting is as much part of the competition as anything else in the modern game. If you can afford too, get somebody to paint one army for you! (I have done so, and truthfully it works wonders! for your morale and gaming experience).

2). Getting stuff painted to an acceptable tabletop standard is not as expensive as you may think. I cut my purchase stuff in half and put half of it toward painting. So instead of getting two preds, I got one, and got it painted.

3). Resist the temptation to purchase at all costs when figures are unpainted and sitting there.

4). Decide on a paint strategy and stick to it, if your doing it yourself. Paint a HQ, 2 Troops and then add to it. It works wonders for your morale when you get a basics together painted on the table.

5). When all else fails.... attack small animals by placing them in a waffle iron. Although this is rather cruel, it soon stops you thinking about the painting.

Anonymous said...

Luck to ya...

There's a John Denver song called "blow up your tv"

Anonymous said...

Oh well.... will save me a 2nd 400 mile round trip in one week. Shame you're not heading to Cardiff, would've been good to see your skills.

I've felt like you for a little while about painting.. maybe buying some pretty Sang guard will help? Maybe it'll make it worse??

Will look forward to the batrep though!

TheKing Elessar said...

I have some NippleGuard sitting beside my bed on the sprue, waiting to join the ranks of my Raven Guard. My so far pretty much unstarted Raven Guard. :(

My main problem is that I get distracted by thinking up cool stuff to do, and that always seems that much cooler than what I AM doing.

@Mark - I worked it out at around £600 or so, taking in the fact we had to fly to Bristol and get a car from there to Cardiff (no suitable flight times) and accommodation (2day event after all) when I already anticipate spending the better half of a grand on Edinburgh accommodation this year, and my usual 2k plus on booze and food. lol

I should check out John Denver...never really tried any of his stuff, it may be right up my emotional alley. Not a euphemism.

Not buying stuff is hard, I'm too impulsive and reckless at times. Such as the Dark Elf army I bought recently.

I can't afford anyone else painting my stuff and, frankly, I don't like the idea. I love my stuff painted, just not the process - but I couldn't imagine using other people's painting because I'd see it as a cop out. Even though a fair amount of my stuff is actually pre-owned and painted by other people, I plan to repaint it all eventually. Some of it has already been redone, and a lot more has been added to/edited by my brush(es).

Oh, and I will try that site Mark, thanks.

lol at lengthy comment.

Finally - my Xbox FINALLY is now working wirelessly! :D:D:D:D <3

When this crap gets done, Chumby, you and I are going to Halo the fuck out of each other. Except, I'm honestly a middling player at best. But, online practice will make me better, once I start paying those greedy Microsoft blokes for the privilege. :(

Messanger of Death said...

Get an airbrush... you know you want to :)

Give up on X-box. It will just make you another fat gamer geek that lives with their parents well past the age of 30*


*no offence intended to any readers that are fat or still live with their parents well past the age of 30

Unknown said...

Rick how much is a flight to East Mids?

Anonymous said...

Why not drive and take the ferry from Dublin?

Last time I did it wasn't so expensive... pain driving through South Wales... but won't take too long and is very pretty!

TheKing Elessar said...

@Mark - well, Ryanair said £16 plus baggage. If I only take a single case that'd likely be hand luggage, but if not I'd probably be paying like £50 more after tax as well. Probably wind up the good side of a ton.


Primarily, a blog to discuss the Games Workshop system Warhammer 40k, though not exclusively so. All GW IP used without permission, no challenge intended.

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