Monday 4 April 2011

MechDar - a Different Twist

Basically, I was on Chatbawks, and talking about MechDar, when someone suggested the idea (I forget who) of an Eldar list that didn't even bother pretending to shoot anymore.  Why waste precious time bothering?  We're pretty shit at it anyway, outshot by all the newer books (bar Orks) and even by some of the older (eg Tau) so...let's stop fucking around, and give this a shot?

Autarch w/ GJB, Mandiblasters, Fusion Gun, PW - 130
Autarch w/ GJB, Mandiblasters, Fusion Gun, PW - 130

5 Dragons w/ Serp [Scan, Stones] - 190
5 Dragons w/ Serp [Scan, Stones] - 190

6x Jetbikes - 122
6x Jetbikes - 122
6x Jetbikes - 122
6x Jetbikes - 122
6x Jetbikes - 122
6x Jetbikes - 122

Vyper w/ Scannon - 50
Vyper w/ Scannon - 50
Vyper w/ Scannon - 50

Falcon w/ SCannon, H-F, Stones - 165
Falcon w/ SCannon, H-F, Stones - 165
Falcon w/ SCannon, H-F, Stones - 165

TOTAL: 1985

It might be better though, if I managed to squeeze more bikes in and make them 9-strong.  That'd involve dropping Grav Tanks, sadly, cos the Vypers don't cost enough.

Thoughts? lol


RayJ said...

Maybe it's just me, but I really like a warlock with spear leading my jetbikes to increase their anti-tank capabilities. Giving them the ability to reroll morale with Embolden helps too, since only 2 of your units will have an autarch attached.

I think the loss of something might be ok to get those extra anti-tank shots in. it'll make those few times you do decide to shoot at something all the more meaningful.

Heretic said...

I can't say I've run into the problem of getting outshot too often, though I haven't seen too many shooty armies against my mechdar. I just bring as many scatter lasers as possible and try to force saves.

Unknown said...

The chatbawks is awesome and always needs a link.

Fonkin said...

Hmmm, that's food for thought. I like that you have a lot of scoring units, but I'm wondering what your game is when a kill point mission comes up? I suppose you could reserve everything and then turbo around on the board until the game ends, waiting till turn 5 to pick on the weeniest unit you can reach.

Hmmm, you got me thinking, elf-bro!

Ahrimaneus said...

Well, #1, the GJB points are off, they're 132 each for a grand total of 2017 for the list.

#2, and more importantly, what exactly do you see this list doing tactics-wise? I must say I'm rather dumbfounded as to how this is going to beat any half-decent 2000 point list. But who knows, maybe I'm just that slow.

DK said...

Interesting. I did not think anyone else was playing dual autark lists.

Mine is :
2 autarks

5 Fire dragons Wave serp, ML, SS star engines

5 Fire dragons Wave serp, ML, SS star engines

5 Dire avengers Wave serp, ML, SS

5 Dire avengers Wave serp, ML, SS

3 Bikes, SC

3 Bikes, SC

3 Bikes, SC

5 Warp spiders

5 warp spiders

3 War walkers, SL

3 War walkers, SL

3 War walkers, ML

That gives me few points to tweek, depending on how i feel.

It plays nice, as I almost always have everything come in on round 2, and get one more turn shooting than my opponent. Plus, I can give everything cover saves if i have to go first and they reserve everything.

Widthofacircle said...

I think I like it, a very odd list when compared to my current. It still has the elements that I refuse to part with (ie dragons).

There certainly is a lot of pewpew there, I count 8+ cannons. You've got enough to threaten even the stubbornest of marine characters too.
I do agree with the point about trying to fit a warlock into the unit.

Personally, I'd drop the vypers and add scatter lasers on the falcons and serpents.

Must admit, made me lol.

Unknown said...

That's a lot of jetbikes!! I thought _I_ ran a lot in my army.

I like the dual Autarchs, though I hardly go without a Farseer in my army. A side helping of Doom just makes things go down easier.

TheKing Elessar said...

Thanks for comments, all!

Kirby - no, it doesn't. Everyone knows where it is. lol

In other news, seen the updated 3++ link in the right-hand bar? ;)

HurricaneGirl - A Seer would be quite nice, but I figure sometimes double +1 to Reserves is just more important - if I have anything arrive from Reserve, then I need it ALL, for saturation purposes.

WoaC - Scatters are better than SCans, no question, but ChinCannons would be more valuable before the extra 12" and 1 shot was - and the Vypers add extra saturation and extra ways to create Cover. That said...

Ahrimaneue - You are ofc right, thanks. Means I must drop at least one Vyper to compensate, which allows me to...

RayJ - I agree, but I then need to take the unit to 9 so 2 isn't Morale anymore - though I would love to add 'Locks after dropping Vypers (see above)

Fonkin/Anrimaneus - Pretty much, yeah. If it's KPs (simply, no alternate win conditions) then the list suffers a bit and relies upon claiming (at most) 3 KPs and trying not to give any up. However, the list is more designed for a W/L system, in which I can force the issue to Quarters (easy) or Objectives (just as easy really)

Even if VPs, most things I can kill would be more than a squad of Jetbikes, points-wise.

Miss anything?
Heretic - I'm surprised, but if you don't face anything excessively shooty maybe not so much. I know several IG players, and as frustrating as my shooting is for them, their is much more damaging to me. I need to claim lucky kills early to stay ahead if they have anything more than average luck.

DK - I think I will do a post about your list, if that isn't unacceptable to you? :)

DK said...

Sure. You like it?


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