Autarch w/ GJB, Mandiblasters, Fusion Gun, PW - 130
Autarch w/ GJB, Mandiblasters, Fusion Gun, PW - 130
5 Dragons w/ Serp [Scan, Stones] - 190
5 Dragons w/ Serp [Scan, Stones] - 190
6x Jetbikes - 122
6x Jetbikes - 122
6x Jetbikes - 122
6x Jetbikes - 122
6x Jetbikes - 1226x Jetbikes - 122
Vyper w/ Scannon - 50
Vyper w/ Scannon - 50
Vyper w/ Scannon - 50
Falcon w/ SCannon, H-F, Stones - 165
Falcon w/ SCannon, H-F, Stones - 165
Falcon w/ SCannon, H-F, Stones - 165
TOTAL: 1985
It might be better though, if I managed to squeeze more bikes in and make them 9-strong. That'd involve dropping Grav Tanks, sadly, cos the Vypers don't cost enough.
Thoughts? lol
Maybe it's just me, but I really like a warlock with spear leading my jetbikes to increase their anti-tank capabilities. Giving them the ability to reroll morale with Embolden helps too, since only 2 of your units will have an autarch attached.
I think the loss of something might be ok to get those extra anti-tank shots in. it'll make those few times you do decide to shoot at something all the more meaningful.
I can't say I've run into the problem of getting outshot too often, though I haven't seen too many shooty armies against my mechdar. I just bring as many scatter lasers as possible and try to force saves.
The chatbawks is awesome and always needs a link.
Hmmm, that's food for thought. I like that you have a lot of scoring units, but I'm wondering what your game is when a kill point mission comes up? I suppose you could reserve everything and then turbo around on the board until the game ends, waiting till turn 5 to pick on the weeniest unit you can reach.
Hmmm, you got me thinking, elf-bro!
Well, #1, the GJB points are off, they're 132 each for a grand total of 2017 for the list.
#2, and more importantly, what exactly do you see this list doing tactics-wise? I must say I'm rather dumbfounded as to how this is going to beat any half-decent 2000 point list. But who knows, maybe I'm just that slow.
Interesting. I did not think anyone else was playing dual autark lists.
Mine is :
2 autarks
5 Fire dragons Wave serp, ML, SS star engines
5 Fire dragons Wave serp, ML, SS star engines
5 Dire avengers Wave serp, ML, SS
5 Dire avengers Wave serp, ML, SS
3 Bikes, SC
3 Bikes, SC
3 Bikes, SC
5 Warp spiders
5 warp spiders
3 War walkers, SL
3 War walkers, SL
3 War walkers, ML
That gives me few points to tweek, depending on how i feel.
It plays nice, as I almost always have everything come in on round 2, and get one more turn shooting than my opponent. Plus, I can give everything cover saves if i have to go first and they reserve everything.
I think I like it, a very odd list when compared to my current. It still has the elements that I refuse to part with (ie dragons).
There certainly is a lot of pewpew there, I count 8+ cannons. You've got enough to threaten even the stubbornest of marine characters too.
I do agree with the point about trying to fit a warlock into the unit.
Personally, I'd drop the vypers and add scatter lasers on the falcons and serpents.
Must admit, made me lol.
That's a lot of jetbikes!! I thought _I_ ran a lot in my army.
I like the dual Autarchs, though I hardly go without a Farseer in my army. A side helping of Doom just makes things go down easier.
Thanks for comments, all!
Kirby - no, it doesn't. Everyone knows where it is. lol
In other news, seen the updated 3++ link in the right-hand bar? ;)
HurricaneGirl - A Seer would be quite nice, but I figure sometimes double +1 to Reserves is just more important - if I have anything arrive from Reserve, then I need it ALL, for saturation purposes.
WoaC - Scatters are better than SCans, no question, but ChinCannons would be more valuable before the extra 12" and 1 shot was - and the Vypers add extra saturation and extra ways to create Cover. That said...
Ahrimaneue - You are ofc right, thanks. Means I must drop at least one Vyper to compensate, which allows me to...
RayJ - I agree, but I then need to take the unit to 9 so 2 isn't Morale anymore - though I would love to add 'Locks after dropping Vypers (see above)
Fonkin/Anrimaneus - Pretty much, yeah. If it's KPs (simply, no alternate win conditions) then the list suffers a bit and relies upon claiming (at most) 3 KPs and trying not to give any up. However, the list is more designed for a W/L system, in which I can force the issue to Quarters (easy) or Objectives (just as easy really)
Even if VPs, most things I can kill would be more than a squad of Jetbikes, points-wise.
Miss anything?
Heretic - I'm surprised, but if you don't face anything excessively shooty maybe not so much. I know several IG players, and as frustrating as my shooting is for them, their is much more damaging to me. I need to claim lucky kills early to stay ahead if they have anything more than average luck.
DK - I think I will do a post about your list, if that isn't unacceptable to you? :)
Sure. You like it?
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