If I hadn't already gone to great lengths to get it off work - and of course pay for it - then I'd probably pass.
I really won't be able to focus on the missions etc, because I don't give a crap. Like an abusive relationship, things are now just toxic, and I fear not being able to just relax and take it in my stride.
If I'm a shitty opponent today, I can only apologise - it's not personal to you.
That said, I don't want to cliche'd say 'Hate the Game, Not The Gamer' - that's a crock of shit. Gamers make games what they are, and the type of gamer that has made 40k into this bullshit? I fucking hate you. You are the reason our Hobby is so small and generally derided as being 'toy soldiers'. The public can respect competitive events, even if they don't think much of it, they respect that aspect. Who the fuck ever laughs at Extreme Ironing? It's a ludicrous notion, but is it mocked the way grown men are for 'messing around with toy soldiers'? No. A subset of our community is determined to keep making their pew-pew noises and in doing so preventing the World At Large from ever taking us even slightly seriously. When Subbutteo is more highly regarded than Warhammer, you know something is seriously wrong with the world - and it's these people, the ones for whom screaming Waaaagh and Loud Noises are the ONLY factors.
And no, bellends, just because I am saying that doesn't mean there's no place for those. But they aren't the main thing, and should NEVER be the focus of a game that wants to really grow and be taken seriously.
Ugh, this depresses me. 5th isn't even over yet, but for me the magic has gone. It's like being in a relationship that you know is over, but you've already paid for this mini-break together, and damned if you're going to miss out on a holiday just because you don't think you'll enjoy it.
Who knows, maybe I'll win the whole thing (not likely) and feel good for a couple hours about that.
Well 5th, one last roll of the dice?
Wow, that was a depressing read! :) If you are referring to people that only play Wargames for fun and not competitively ruining the game, then I think you may have gone off the rail at some point. All Games Workshop products and games are spin offs of Steve and Ians (Jackson and Livingstones)ideology that a group of friends getting together to play a game was much more rewarding that watching the idiot box or drinking yourself into oblivion. 40k is a community game, yeah there are those who only play competitively and have no interest in casual gaming. Does this mean GW should throw their ideology up into the wind and begin catering solely for one crowd? I don't think so at all.
Me? I play both. I enjoy a tense close fought affair over a tournament table as much as I enjoy playing a freindly game with a friend who screams, shouts and gets excited when things go their way. Hell, that excitement this game induced was what got me involved in the first place.
So chill out and enjoy the new challenge that the new edition brings. I for one am throughly looking forward to reworking my army lists and seeing what new devious plans and schemes can be drawn up under the new rules.
p.s. good look in the tourney!
Now let's toast the sad, cold fact
our love's never coming back
and we'll race to the bottom of a glass
I salute you none the less!
May this lead you to greener pastures. Send off 5th and don't look back!
I'll be in other corners screwing up the simplest of tasks like drilling holes for a tray.
I totally disagree Rau, everything needs to start balanced ie. competitive and from there anyone can have fun.
If it isn't balanced then you immediately push the people looking for a balanced game, or a competitive game, or a game that requires skill or strategy out.
They aren't successful enough to scorn a large community of gamers.
Update on His progress
He lost badly in his first 2 games, and won the third (i think)
Not a happy start.
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