Eldar list I'm fairly likely to run for The Home Nations event in Cardiff's Firestorm Games on the 19/20 th June. Same rules as the ETC - no hating, please. lol
No SCs - so
1750 Points Eldar List 'Where the Fuck is Eldrad?!'
Farseer - 90
w/ Guide, RoWard
5 Fire Dragons - 205
Wave Serpent [TL Scatter Lasers, SCan]
5 Fire Dragons - 205
Wave Serpent [TL Scatter Lasers, SCan]
5 Fire Dragons - 205
Wave Serpent [TL Scatter Lasers, SCan]
5 Dire Avengers - 205
Wave Serpent [TL Bright Lance, SCan]
5 Dire Avengers - 205
Wave Serpent [TL Bright Lance, SCan]
5 Dire Avengers - 60
Vyper - 60
Scatter Laser
Vyper - 60
Scatter Laser
Vyper - 60
Scatter Laser
Fire Prism - 125
Fire Prism - 125
Falcon - 200
Bright Lance, SCan, Stones, H-F.
195 left...Autarch?
I figure he's probably best. Fusion Gun, PW, Mandiblasters, leaves me 95 points. What then? Another Vyper? :( 3/4 GJB? More bling on Farseer? Drop last DA unit, and get Warlocks? No time or inclination to build Jetlocks, tbh.
Gasp! Vypers!
My thoughts:
1. I think you could live without the Farseer. He's mainly there for RoWard... which your tanks protect against most of what it is there for. He's nice, but not critical.
2. I'd say yes on the Autarch. But dump the PW and Mandiblasters. If you're in CC with him, you've already done something wrong. Plus it's a S3 Power Weapon. Wooo... Save the points for other toys. Heck, maybe take 2 Autarchs and go play Reserves Denial.
3. I prefer Scan/Scan Vypers, but whatever.
4. I'd chop the Falcon's Bright Lance down to a SLas or SCan. It's BS3 and you have loads of other anti-tank. Use it for hunting Rhinos and infantry instead.
5. 3 groups of Dragons and not a single DBF Exarch? Eh. I'd up at least one of the squads to dual-role for squad hunting.
6. With a DAVU HoloFalcon and a DAVU Serpent, maybe swap the second DAVU for dual-Flamer Stormies. They're not always useful and often just play a DAVU role, but can be quite amusing at times.
Still, good list. These are just the tweaks I'd do for playing it myself.
It's funny how different opinions can be!
Okay, since I'm the only advocate for larger Dragon squads, I'd say these are industry standard. I'd also upgrade one to an Exarch with DBF and Tank Hunter - the last so you can unload a bit farther away if need be and still have a good chance of popping a heavy mech.
I like the Scatter Lasers on the Vipers. They've got armor made of recycled Mountain Dew cans - play the 36-inches game.
I like the Bright Lance on the Dire Avenger Wave Serpent; you want your opponent to make the decision to shoot at the Avengers instead of the Dragons. BS 3 is okay with twin-linked, and you need something other than Fusion Guns to threaten mech.
The Falcon is meh. I'd take another Prism, and stick those Avengers in a Wave Serpent where they belong. Obviously you're thinking about sticking the Farseer in the Falcon, and use Guide... that's not terrible, of course - just not loving Guide in this list. Doom makes more sense.
I'm like Dverning on one thing - I think this type of list is great for double-tarch... give each one a Fusion Gun and a squad of Avengers to roll with.
That's my two cents - or 5 - for what it's worth... sucks no Eldrad, right?
Eldar's not my forte, but here's my thoughts.
I like Doom and Fortune. I also prefer a full Serpent of Avengers to make use of it. 20 bolter shots isn't much, but 20 of them at 18" with re-rolls on wounds is very much useful.
DBF is extremely useful, I see no reason to exclude it if you have points.
Storm Guardians or jetbikes are also an option. SGs can bring triple flamers or just a bunch of cheap bodies while jetbikes can go zoom zoom onto objectives, Fritz style.
No shuricannon on the Vypers? Lots of S6 shots for cheap is very useful.
Bright Lance at BS3, not TL? Meh. I like the scatter laser. Torrent the shit out of stuff.
If you do the Autarch, fusion gun is all he needs. S3 power weapon is fail, so don't bother.
I think it's pretty solid overall, just a few prefs and tweaks are all I've got.
Now, if you want to stop being a noob, here's my real advice. Drop all those stupid tanks to get a whole bunch of Guardians and an Avatar. He makes them Fearless! Add in Scorpions to outflank, Dark Reapers to destroy marines at range, and Swooping Hawks to destroy skimmers with haywire grenades and annihilate infantry with their 6 shot gun, on just 1 guy!
@Brent:I'd up at least one of the squads to dual-role for squad hunting was an advocacy for a larger Dragon squad or three. I consider a squad hunter unit to be 7+ and DBF Exarch w Crack Shot. We're in agreement there.
I will debate the idea of Vypers. They have the armour of a soda can... why not get more shots out of them before they die? That's why I do the dual SCan rather than a single SLas.
The point of the Falcon isn't the amount of damage it does, it's the amount it can take.
@Chumby: Trust me, Serpent of Fury DA is cute but not all that hot. While it does gives a nice torrent of fire, you pay a premium for that. I'd rather have more tanks and just not get out.
Simple Jetbikes are also over rated. They're no harder to kill than a Marine. 3 that hide in Reserves are cute, but larger squads should have a Fortuneseer. Again, it becomes an iffy trade off of effect for cost.
As to that last paragraph? I know you're being sarcastic yet I still want to send a hit squad after you... :-p The pain.
All gold so far guys. Fritz, I'd like your ACTUAL view on the list, if you'd be so kind. :)
Why is this for me? lol
I'd add an Autarch (fusion only thanks) and SC's to the Vypers. Any left over poitns and you can add in some more Dragons or DBF flamer Exarchs.
Also never been that sold on the BL on a Falcon. Whilst I'm assuming you're guiding it, PL/SC/SL is 9 shots of torrent fun against AV11/10 and infantry/MCs.
I'd also agree with Dvernings point 6 if you have the points :p.
I always take doom and fortune on my Farseer. I find those powers very useful. Oh, obivously take spirit stones too.
I was going to ask why scatter lasers over shuriken cannons but I see why now. Better range and more shots.
You got shuri-can on the Fire Prisms as a just in case? So they can at least threaten if the prism gets busted?
Mostly, that, yeah Mercer - but also for better anti-Infantry duties vs the like of Daemons and Orks, things that close on me, but are particularly vulnerable to S6 fire.
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